Getting Rid Of Excess Hair Oil

While oil is absolutely beneficial for healthy hair, oily hair is never pretty to look at, nor does it feel good to touch. Too much oil is also unhealthy and can cause you plenty of problems down the road, such as dandruff and scalp yeast.

Is your hair too oily? Here are some of the top tips for getting rid of excess hair oil.

zala hair extensions excess hair oil1. Use a shampoo meant for oily hair

There are shampoos that are made specifically for dealing with oily hair. The best kinds are clarifying shampoos which are lightweight and easy enough on the hair. Shampoo that is heavy on your hair strands is not good if you've got oily hair since they can only add to all the extra sebum that's on your scalp.

Clarifying shampoos, on the other hand, can help in getting rid of excess hair oil since as they clean your hair without leaving any residue on your scalp.

A word of warning, don't ever use shampoo meant for dry hair if your problem is too much oil. Dry-hair shampoos contain extra moisturizing agents which can only worsen your problem.

2. Change your diet

veggies getting rid of excess hair oil zala hair extensions (c) Unsplash

You might also want to look inwards if you keep getting hair that's way too oily. What most people don't know is that a simple change in diet can actually solve most problems, including greasy hair.

In getting rid of excess hair oil, you'll want to look at foods that are rich in vitamin B. Many studies point that food rich in vitamin B can help regulate the sebum production in your hair, which can help you to avoid oily strands since excess oil is a by-product of overactive sebaceous glands. Some of the foods that you should try are fish, poultry, beans, lean meat, and fruits and vegetables.

You should also try to limit your intake of foods that are high in sugar, as this can worsen your problem.

Read More: The Best Foods For Hair

3. Use natural home remedies

Natural home remedies are an easy way to solve your oily hair problem, even in the comforts of your own home. These remedies don't require much preparation or ingredients. Most of the time, all you need are items that are already commonly found in the kitchen.

Here's a list of natural ingredients that can be used to combat oily hair:

Simply combine one of these together or with water and apply religiously on your hair until the problem is solved. If you do this enough times, you'll certainly see a reduction in excess oil in your hair.

Interested in more hair tips and tricks? Get to know more on our ZALA blog right here!

May 29, 2019
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