Why Is My Hair So Oily?

"Why is my hair soooo oily?"

There's a pretty big chance that you may have thought this question sometime in your life before. Heck, you may have even said it out loud. Just like many other hair problems out there, excessive oiliness is a problem that millions and millions of people from all over the world have experienced before.

In this article, we've listed down the common answers to the question, "why is my hair so oily?"

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Reason #1: Hair Care Regimen

Believe it or not, the most common reason why tend to have oily hair is because of their hair care regimen.

Many people don't consider their hair to be a top priority since it's not usually something that others first notice about you. That is, unless you've got really bad hair or gorgeous locks that stand out. Due to this, many seem to think that hair is as high-maintenance as your skin or body.

But it is. It's a dangerous misconception that your hair should not be high-maintenance. The truth is, it actually needs a lot of tender, loving care for it to look its best.

For the best hair care regimen, make sure that you stick to what's most suitable for your own hair type. Wash your hair properly and only a couple of times per week using a shampoo that's paraben and sulfate-free. Also, don't forget to use just the right amount of hair conditioner. Some people tend to go overboard with the conditioner without rinsing everything off. That could cause your hair to become extra greasy, as well as more prone to dandruff, too.

Reason #2: Unhealthy Diet

Your hair's condition also depends on what kind of diet you have daily. For example, if you're used to eating junk food all the time, your hair won't be able to get all the nutrients that it needs from fresh and healthy food. Having an unhealthy diet could also affect your sebaceous glands, which could become overactive and produce way too much oil than necessary. This causes your hair to look slick, greasy, and in worst case scenarios, even downright gross.

Try to consume more foods rich in Vitamin B, especially Vitamin B2 and B6. These vitamins can help in regulating your sebum production, which is one of the main causes of greasy hair. You should also try cutting out greasy fried foods from your diet and replacing them with leafy greens and fruits. Drinking at least the recommended number of glasses of water per day can also help hydrate both your body and your hair.

Reason #3: Medications

Have you been taking medications recently? The medicines that you take can also affect the condition of your hair. Meds tend to affect your hormones and hormonal changes can cause massive differences in the way your body works.

For example, one of the known side effects of birth control pills is excessive sebum production caused by overactive glands. If you realized that your hair suddenly became oilier after you started taking birth control pills, your medications could be the culprit. Perhaps it's time to consult a doctor or just switch to another brand.

Reason #4: Genetics

Your genetics has a lot to do with your overall health, including your hair and nails. Some people have naturally thick and curly hair, others have naturally thin and wispy hair. The latter is more prone to getting oily hair than curly hair (which is more prone to getting dry hair).

Check to see if your own relatives are suffering from the same problem. If so, it's more likely that your problem is a hereditary issue. It doesn't mean that you won't be able to solve the problem, just that you'll have to use another solution to tackle the issue since it's rooted much deeper.

See, you don't have to worry about oily hair all the time. Now that you know the reason, it's time to start tackling the problem!

For more hair care advice, don't forget to check out our ZALA blog right here.

May 27, 2019
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