2020 New Year Hair Resolutions

We’re only a couple of days into 2020 and we’re already feeling pretty psyched for the rest of the year! We’ve got great plans for pretty much everything, honestly. Of course, our hair is included in those plans, that’s why we whipped up a list of goals and promises for 2020.

Curious what those are? Here are our 2020 New Year Hair Resolutions for the best hair-rific year ever!


1. I will try out more hairstyles

What’s life without a little adventure? Sure, you may love your trusty haircut that’s been your style since maybe 2010. You know you look amazing in it, and you know it works well with your daily style. We get it. Don’t fix what’s not broken, right?

Well, we beg to differ when it comes to hair. See, it’s not like your hair isn’t gonna grow back anymore once you cut. You have the rest of your life to stick to one hairstyle you love, so why not explore and be adventurous now? Trust us, you haven’t really lived hair-wise if you haven’t gotten at least 5 different hairstyles in your life. And yes, an uber short cut is a must-try.

2. I will get my hair trimmed regularly

Planning to grow your hair longer this 2020? Make sure to get it trimmed regularly! It may seem like a counter-productivee measure, but actually, getting your hair regularly trimmed helps you avoid possible instances of split-ends or other damages that can cause your strands to break. 

Broken strands will obviously make it more difficult for you to grow your hair long, so regular trimmings it is!

3. I will lessen my heat-styling

Although we’ve said that heat is your hair’s greatest enemy time and time again, we do have to admit that heatt-styling is a necessary evil sometimes. 

That said, while we don’t blame you for resorting to heat tools every now and then, there’s no reason for you to use them every single day. Doing that will only make your strands weaker and weaker to the point or irreparable damage.

And another thing: if you really need to use heat-styling tools, make sure that they’re of top quality to mitigate possible damages to your hair. Instead of using any old curling iron out there, for instance, you can use our very own ZALA 4-in-1 Cosmo curling wand. This curling wand can curl your strands without putting too much unnecessary heat on them, which helps if you curl your hair often!

4. I will pay more attention to my scalp

It’s easy to notice your strands. They’re literally what you think of whenever you think of the word ‘hair’, right? But see, there’s one more component that’s much less noticeable. In fact, people always seem to miss it when talking about haircare. The scalp.

Your scalp is just as important as your strands when it comes to achieving a great hairstyle. After all, your strands come out of the hair follicles in your scalp, don’t they? If your scalp isn’t healthy, then it’s only natural that your strands won’t be as healthy as well. That’s why it’s important to also give some love to your scalp and not to neglect it.

5. I will not be too lazy for my haircare routine

The best way to get amazing hair is simply to keep up with your regular haircare routine. If you don’t keep doing it, then you’re not going to reap any benefits, no matter what. 

For instance, even though hair masks can improve your hair condition, you can’t just apply one hair mask one time and expect that your hair will instantly go from always frizzy to everyday gorgeous. You have to actually stick to it. Don’t be too lazy for your haircare routine–you’re the only one who’s gonna suffer in the end.

And that’s it for our list of 2020 new year hair resolutions! What about you? What do you want to achieve this year? Feel free to comment here at our ZALA blog!

January 04, 2020
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