How To Achieve Your New Year’s Hair Resolutions

So, you already have a good plan in mind for this year. Failed new year’s resolutions are common, but you wouldn’t let that happen to you, would you? Here are our best tips on how to achieve your new year’s hair resolutions, or any other resolutions, really!


Think about why you want to achieve it

The first step of setting goals is to figure out first why you want to reach that goal.

Why do you want to get gorgeous hair? Why do you want to get rid of your frizz? Why do you want to grow your hair out? Why do you want to finally get your hair dyed red? What’s your motivation behind your new year’s hair resolutions?

If you don’t know your whys, then it will be very easy for you to get burned out and to stop doing what you’re doing when the going gets tough. It’s the same thing with pretty much everything else. If you don’t know why you’re going to the gym, then once you start failing your workouts, there’s a high chance that you’ll simply stop what you’re doing. After all, you don’t even know why you’re doing it, right? Might as well quit while it’s early. On the other hand, knowing your ‘why’ behind your actions can help you stay motivated no matter how tough the situaton is.

Write down your new year’s hair resolutions

One of the best ways to start is to simply write down your new year’s hair resolutions. You can’t just think of your resolutions and leave them hanging in the air. Writing things down forces you to really think about it, what you want to achieve and what you’re planning to do about it. It works because it helps make your goals more concrete instead of just mere abstract thoughts.

Create a realistic plan of action

By realistic plan of action, we mean something that you can really do, right here, right now. 

For example, don’t say that you want to have long, gorgeous hair this year when you currently have a pixie cut. Since our hair only grows about 6 inches per year on average, it simply isn’t naturally possible to go from pixie cut to long hair in a year. Of course, you can always use hair extensions if you just want the long-haired look.

Another example is your regular haircare routine. If you’ve been doing it for a while, then congratulations, keep it up! But if you’re a beginner, then don’t make it a 10-step haircare routine unless you want to fail. Keep it simple for now. Clarifying shampoo , conditioner, and hair sunscreen are the most important steps. Hair masks , hot oils, hair serums, and everything else can wait until you’re more used to having a haircare routine.

Push yourself to be disciplined

Lastly, you need to push yourself to be disciplined if you want to achieve your new year’s hair resolutions. Or any other resolutions, actually. 

Can we let you in on a little secret? Discipline is the key component to reaching your dreams and staying in the sidelines. There’s no such thing as an overnight success, well, at least 99.98% of the time. If you want to achieve your goals, discipline is your one-way ticket there. Easier said than done, we know.How are you planning to reach your new year’s hair resolutions this 2020? For more hair tips and tricks, don’t forget to check out our ZALA blog!

January 06, 2020
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