Worst Winter Hair Problems

Believe it or not, we’re a big fan of winter. We love the cool breeze, the dainty falling snow, the yummy hot chocolate and warm cookies combo. What we don’t love, though, is all the hair issues that usually arise around this time of the year.

In today’s article, we’ve compiled our list of the worst winter hair problems ever!


Extremely dry hair

Thanks to the dry winter air, your strands tend to become dry as well. When it gets too dry, it starts to take on a straw-like look. Curly-haired individuals are more prone to getting dried hair too, so make sure to protect your hair against the weather.

There are many ways to go about this. One, condition your hair often. Two, avoid heat-styling tools around this time. Three, apply hair mask to your strands at least once a week.

Frizzy hair

Even if you don’t typically get frizzy hair, you might notice it happening around wintertime. Remember, frizzy hair is often caused by dry hair, and dry hair is very common during winter. Although it’s still not as bad as frizzy hair during humid months, it’s still an annoyance to many people.

To avoid this, make sure to keep your hair hydrated at all times. You can also switch out your pillowcases to silk to reduce frizzy hair. Letting your hair go dry is a surefire way to get frizzy hair.


Dry scalp can cause dandruff, and like we’ve already mentioned in this article, this dryness is also caused by the dry weather in winter. In addition to this, it can also cause you to experience itchiness due to dandruff.

You can apply olive oil to your scalp in order to moisturize it and reduce the itchiness. You can also try exfoliating your scalp to reap more benefits.

Static hair

This is one of the worst winter hair problems that you can ever have. It can happen all throughout the year but it usually happens during the winter because dry winter air makes static hair happen more often. Just keep your hair hydrated and try to wear fewer synthetic clothes because those can also exacerbate the issue.

For more hair articles, don’t forget to check out our ZALA blog!

December 27, 2019
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