How To Get Amazing Hair Overnight

You've got an important event to go to tomorrow, and unfortunately for you, your hair hasn't been looking good lately. Quickly, you open up your internet browser and type in the words, "how to get amazing hair overnight.” Or, you might be wondering how to make hair soft and silky overnight.

Indeed, is it possible to get amazing hair overnight?

ZALA How To Get Amazing Hair Overnight

Technically speaking, it's not possible to get super drastic results if you're only giving your body one day to recover from whatever you've been submitting it to. Read on for some essential tips on how to keep hair nice overnight.

1. Deep condition before going to bed

Deep conditioners generally work instantly, which makes them perfect for this kind of dilemma. You put some on your hair, leave it on for a few minutes, then rinse it all off. The results are seen immediately: soft, smooth hair that's free of tangles and easier to manage.

But can you leave conditioner in your hair overnight? Well, it isn’t a good idea to leave a rinse-out conditioner in your hair overnight because it could weigh your hair down. Instead of a rinse-out condition, it is good to use a leave-in conditioner if you want to keep it in your hair overnight.

2. Sleep with a hair mask on

Sleep With A Hair Mask On (c) Unsplash

Sometimes, deep conditioners aren't enough, and that's when you need something a bit stronger. In this case, that would be hair masks.

There are plenty of hair masks out there that work specifically in bringing back and locking in the moisture in your hair. You can use both DIY treatments or store-bought ones – the important thing is that it works. Remember, your hair benefits greatly from extra hydration, so choose one that specifically targets your hair's dryness.

3. Sleep on silk pillows

This is more of a long-term solution to the problem, but it's also worth a shot. Honestly, you can feel the different just by sleeping on silk pillows for a single night. Silk pillowcases are definitely less harsh than other kinds of pillowcases, and, thanks to the natural way they were made, they don't have a lot of chemicals that can seep into your hair, too.

If you're interested in getting silk pillows for your own bedroom, you can take a look at ZALA's own Mulberry silk pillowcases. They're handcrafted and handmade from 100% Mulberry silk, guaranteed natural! You can even choose between three equally cute collors: ivory white, baby pink, and charcoal.

Not yet convinced? We've provided 11 reasons in this blog why you should try silk pillowcases, so be sure to check it out!

For more hairstyle tips and tricks, feel free to browse through the ZALA blog!

April 25, 2019
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