5 Hair Myths Debunked: Separating Fact from Fiction

5 Hair Myths

So, we have been lied to about our hair. Now, its time to set the record straight and bust these hair myths! Which hair myth have you been told?

Hair Myth 1: Hair conditioning products can help bring life back to your hair

hair myth

Does your hair look dead and lifeless? Well, that's because it is! By the time your hair grows to your scalp, it's dead. D-E-A-D. I'm sorry to break it to you but there is no magic product that will bring life back to your hair... but that doesn't mean you can't keep your hair looking great!

Healthy hair means how your hair looks and feels. The hair is protected by a tough layer called the cuticle which helps keep your hair moisturised and strong. Over time, that layer gets damaged by heat, sun and chemicals, making your hair feel rough and look dull.

Should you stop using your fave conditioner? No!

To keep your hair looking and feeling "healthy", you should protect your hair as much as you can. Despite being dead AF, your hair can still absorb moisture and can swell up to 20 times its size! Hair creams, masks and oils  like ZALA's Revive Me and Smooth Talker will help make your hair look and feel nourished! Moist hair is stronger, smoother and shinier.

Hair Myth 2: Hair products can repair split ends

Hair Myth 2: Hair Products

If you go to the shops, you'll find HEAPS of products which are made to reduce split ends, but are they cut out to do the job?

Scientists have used chemicals which work by temporarily binding together the ends of your hair. It can leave your hair feeling rough, tacky and can cause strands of different hairs to stick together. This also doesn't last very long.

Keeping your hair moisturised and nourished will also prevent the ends of your hair from splitting and fraying.

Once your ends are split, there is no repairing. The best way to make them go away is to cut them off... Sorry. Don't want to lose your length? No worries, ZALA's range of hair extensions will be perfect for you!

Hair Myth 3: Cutting and trimming your hair regularly will make your hair grow faster

Hair Myth 3: Cutting and Trimming Your Hair

No. It won't. Your hair grows from the roots and the rest of it is dead. The speed of your hair growth will depend on many things such as your genetics, diet, environment and other things. The best way to help your hair grow faster is by keeping a healthy diet and keeping your scalp healthy.

You should also get regular hair cuts and trims. It won't help your hair grow faster but trimming damaged ends will help your hair look thicker and feel smoother. Trims are also great for getting rid of those nasty split ends and to prevent them from splitting any further.

Want longer, fuller hair now? Your best bet is ZALA hair extensions!

Hair Myth 4: Washing hair frequently keeps it cleaner

Hair Myth 4: Washing Your Hair

Nobody likes greasy, dirty and smelly hair but you might want to re-think before you lather up again!

Washing your hair with shampoo and conditioner will help get rid of oil and dirt but washing your hair too much will strip your hair of its important natural oils and proteins. This makes your hair to dry up and cause breakages. Using hair products all the time will leave a sticky residue on your scalp called 'buildup'.

Don't give up washing your hair altogether! How often should you wash your hair? This changes for everyone. Some people produce more oils in their hair than others. Wash your hair whenever it starts to feel greasy!

Remember to use sulfate and paraben free hair products like The ZALA hair care range when washing for healthier hair.

Hair Myth 5: Brushing your hair frequently is good for your hair

Hair Myth 5: Brushing Your Hair

You might have heard that if you brush your hair with 100 strokes every day, your hair will become shiny, silky and full. Unfortunately, this myth can cause more harm than good.

We need to brush to avoid knotted and tangled hair. It keeps your hair smooth and glossy and will remove any strands of hair which have shed.

Brushing your hair massages your scalp and helps blood flow to your scalp which will nourish the roots of your hair, making your hair grow. Running a comb through all of your hair will help evenly spread your hairs natural oils all throughout your hair.

What's so bad about brushing your hair?

Brushing your hair too much can actually be bad!  The bristles of your hair brush can strip the top layer of your hair. Excess hair brushing will build up friction in your hair which will make it appear to be less smooth and frizzy. Massaging your scalp too much with a hair brush can make your hair overly oily too!

Hair Myths Busted!

We have busted five of the most notorious hair myths.

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August 28, 2018
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