How To Avoid Hair Fall

Picture this: you just finished showering in the bathroom. As you step outside, you happen to glance at the drain. Uh-oh. If you’re like millions of other women around the world, you’re probably seeing the same thing they’re seeing every time they look at the drain: strands and strands of hair.

Hair fall may be shocking, but the good thing is that it’s absolutely normal. That said, too much is certainly not a good thing, and you wouldn’t want your hair fall to eventually lead to real hair loss in the future.

In this article, we’ve listed some tips for how to avoid hair loss.

How To Avoid Hair Fall

1. Switch up your diet.

We’ve already said it multiple times in this blog: hair care is nothing without a good diet. If you’re regularly eating junk food like chips, carbonated drinks, and plenty of processed goods, no amount of hair care can save your hair from deteriorating in the future.

If you want the best diet optimized for your hair condition, make sure that you get in a lot of leafy greens and lean meat. Fresh herbs like basil and parsley can also slow down the onset of hair loss, which is great for your hair’s health.

2. Use protein products.

Hair follicles are mostly made up of keratin, and keratin is a form of protein. Taking in lots of protein is one of the best ways to prevent hair loss, and will make your hair healthier and fuller.

Of course, you can always get it from foods like lean meat, eggs, fish, and low-fat dairy products. The good thing is that there are also lots of protein products in the market right now that you can use on your hair. Try one out and you’ll definitely see wonders!

3. Find the best vitamin supplements.

Vitamin Supplements (c) Unsplash

Similarly, vitamin supplements may also help your hair get its much-needed nutrients. Choose vitamin supplements that contain the following for best results:

  • Vitamin A
  • Vitamin B
  • Vitamin C
  • Vitamin D
  • Vitamin E
  • Iron
  • Ginseng
  • Protein
  • Zinc

4. Maintain a regular hair care routine.

A regular hair care routine is also vital in making sure that your hair is always in its tip-top shape. If you want to avoid hair fall, especially in the future, you should always stay on top of your hair care routine.

Some of the simple things that you can add to your routine are washing your hair every other day, using a conditioning hair mask once or twice a week, and applying hair serum on your hair every now and then. Also, keep in mind that different hair types actually require different routines, so if you’ve got straight hair, you’re probably not going to get the best results if you follow a routine for wavy hair or curly hair and vice versa.

5. Add hair oils into your regimen.

Hair oils (c) Unsplash

Hair oils can prevent your hair from breakage and dryness. Depending on the type of oil you use, you can even get different benefits.

For example, coconut oil is a good product to use if you want to promote better blood circulation and encourage healthy hair growth. It also helps protect your strands from breakage by binding the protein in your hair. Meanwhile, olive oil is good for moisturizing your hair, thanks to its deep conditioning abilities.

6. Try using natural treatments.

  • Sometimes, natural treatments can be better than artificial treatments. With DIY treatments, you’ll know what to do to prevent hair loss and avoid potentially harmful chemicals.

    Here are some of our favorite natural treatments that can also help you avoid hair fall:

7.  Minimize the use of heated styling tools.

Once again, heat is the biggest enemy of your hair. By using heated styling tools often, your hair is forced to undergo harsh conditions, thus stripping off moisture from your strands. If your hair is already dry, heated styling tools can further exacerbate the issue, causing your hair to become extremely dehydrated to the point of irreversible damage and eventually hair loss. You wouldn’t want that to happen, would you?

Now you know how to avoid hair fall! For more hair care tips and proven ways to stop hair loss, check out our ZALA blog!

July 18, 2019
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